
Some of the differences between the ways that men's and women's brains work must have evolved over time. Some of these differences appear to be the result of a division of labour between men and women going back to our hunter-gatherer past.
For example, men are better at spatial-navigational skills such as map reading and judging distances and at targeting skills (dart throwing for instance).
These skills probably developed through hunting. Women have a better memory for words and objects, and are better at fine motor skills. These abilities probably developed through food gathering near the home and through making clothes and preparing food.

Women are more articulate about feelings…
The two sides of the brain, connected by the corpus callosum, have a larger number of connections in women. This means that more information is being exchanged between the left and right sides of the female brain. And the latest research has shown that the more connections people have between the left and right hemispheres, the more articulate and fluent they are. This finding provides a further explanation for women's verbval dexterity.

Women are more easily distracted by superfluous information....
What makes all of us better at one thing or another seems to be the degree to which a particular area of the brain is specifically devoted to a particular activity - whether it is focused or diffused. Men and women are better at the skills that are controlled by specific areas of the brain -but different areas of their brains are focused for different things. This means that the male and female pattern of brain organisation has advantages and disadvantages for both sexes. The male pattern, with more brain functions specifically organised, means that men are not so easily distracted by superfluous information.

It is easier for men to multi-task….
Men find it easier to talk and read a map at the same time. In a man each activity is controlled by a different side of the brain. In a woman the same activities are controlled by areas on both sides of the brain. The two activities can interfere with each other and she will not be as good at talking and map reading at the same time

Women are better at verbal skills…
The superiority of women in verbal tests can also be explained by the difference in brain organisation. The language skills related to grammar, spelling and writing are all more specifically located in the left-hand side of the brain in a woman. In a man they are spread in the front and back of the brain, and so he will have to work harder than a woman to achieve these skills.

Men find it more difficult to express their emotions….
Some scientists suggest that the difference in emotional response in men
and women can be explained by the difference in the structure and
organisation of the brain. Man keeps his emotions in their place; and that place is on the right side of his brain, while the power to express his feelings in speech lies
over on the other side. Because the two halves of the brain are connected by a smaller number of fibres than a woman's, the flow of information between one side of the brain and the other is more restricted. It is then often more difficult for a man to express his emotions because the information is flowing less easily to the verbal, left side of his brain.

Women are less able to separate emotion from reason…
The female brain has emotional capacities on both sides of the brain, plus there is more information exchanged between the two sides of the brain. The emotional side is more integrated with the verbal side of the brain. A woman can express her emotions in words because what she feels has been transmitted more effectively to the verbal side of the brain.

From "Brain Sex; The Real Differences Between Men and Women"; by Anne Moir phd. and David Jessel.

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